Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Be Prepared. Period

A surprise birthday party in your honor! Awesome!

Flowers from a certain someone delivered to your home! So romantic!

A check in the mail that you didn't know you were getting! Yay!

These kinds of surprises are great.

But the surprise arrival of your period? That's not so wonderful.

Good thing you can get prepared for when Aunt Flow surprises without having to compromise your commitment to keeping things green. The Be Prepared. Period Survival Kit gives you everything you need to go with the flow, even if it happens at school, at work, at the gym or when you're on a date!

The Be Prepared Period Survival Kit is a complete period kit that you can easily carry in your purse, backpack or gym bag to ensure that you're always prepared for your period. Unlike other period survival kit products, our pretty pink sequin bag contains only products that are eco friendly and made from sustainable materials. In other words, our period kit is good for you and for the Earth.

Inside of the period survival kit, you'll find:

- 2 NATURAL PADS WITH WINGS. Absorbent 100% cotton natural pads that are breathable and completely renewable

- 1 NATURAL HYGIENE PANTY LINER. All the benefits of our natural pads but in a slim contoured liner for light flow and discharge

- 2 SCENSIBLES PERSONAL DISPOSAL BAGS. Discreet disposal bags for our natural pads that smell great, look pretty and are 100% biodegradable

- 1 HEALTHY HOOHOO FEMININE WIPE. Feminine wipes free of harsh chemicals

You can't always plan for your period, but you can always be prepared for its surprise arrival. Make sure you're ready for when you spot the signs with the green natural pads, feminine wipes and other supplies you need. Order the Be Prepared. Period’s Survival Kit today.

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